🔺Trikonasana : Tri = 3 + Kona = angle + Asana = posture
Did you know that the triangle is the strongest shape? If force is added to any of the sides, the other two counterbalance it.
Photo by Jeremy Bishop on Unsplash
We were all born with one eye a little bit bigger than the other, one leg longer, one lung usually has more breath capacity and every woman has one breast bigger than the other. These body imbalances have had years to interact with one another and have created the way we walk, run, hold our phones, stand at the kitchen counter, sit while driving… These movements are so subtle we hardly recognize we’re even doing them! But it’s these everyday movements that make the biggest impact on our bodies.
Practicing triangle pose helps redistribute these imbalances and brings equanimity back into the body.
While practicing this pose, you may find that one side is easier than the other and that’s totally normal! If one side is significantly more difficult than the other, stay on that side 2x as long.
Physical Benefits:
Brings balance to all systems of the body
Reduces backache
Helps to relieve acidity, gastritis, indigestion, and flatulence
Helps align and lengthen the spine
Supports the healing of neck sprains
Strengthens the ankles
Expands breath capacity
Women’s Health
Helps ease the body during menstruation
Tones and relaxes the pelvic area
Esoteric Benefits
Balances all 7 chakras
Balances all 3 doshas : Vata, pitta and kapha
Balances all 5 elements of the body : Earth, Water, Fire, Air, Space
Balances all five prana vayus
Photo by Samuel Austin on Unsplash
⭐️Teaching points ⭐️
💙Stand with feet parallel to each other. Bring your arms out to your sides and step your feet out so they are directly underneath your wrists or as wide as is comfortable.
💙Turn one foot out 90 degrees so that your toes are facing the front of the mat. Lift your front toes and focus on pressing into the four corners of the 👣This engages the leg muscles and helps protect the knee from hyperextension 😵
💙Pretend that you can’t move your body below the hip joints and pull your front arm towards the front of the mat. Place your ✋🏼either on a block or the mat making sure that your wrist is directly below your shoulder 💫
💙Pull the belly button in towards the spine
💙Reach your top arm up towards the sky, 🤚🏼facing the same direction as the front body.
💜If available, look up at your thumb and Don’t forget to smile 😃
For Beginners
Slightly bend the front knee
Place your hand on a block to help stay in alignment
Back up to a wall while doing the pose to help with proper alignment
Keep your top hand at the waist and focus on opening up the chest
❌Practice caution and use modifications if you have neck, low back, sacroiliac or hip issues