Finding your Perfect Balance in Trikonasana

đŸ”șTrikonasana : Tri = 3 + Kona = angle + Asana = posture Did you know that the triangle is the strongest shape? If force is added to any of the sides, the other two counterbalance it. Photo by Jeremy Bishop on Unsplash We were all born with one eye a little bit bigger than the other, one [...]

Finding your Perfect Balance in Trikonasana2019-07-24T22:21:34+00:00

Yoga Dictionary

Breath Cycles One inhalation and one exhalation is one complete breath cycle Chakras In Sanskrit, Chakra means wheel. There are 7 main wheels of energy that run along the midline of the body from the base of the spine up to the crown of the head. Chakras collect energetic frequencies from the universe and redistribute [...]

Yoga Dictionary2019-03-28T16:38:35+00:00
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